Bible Distribution
A challenge: how many churches can you find in Kalamyo and Tedim? Hint: turn on the pictures at the bottum right of the screen.
The Bible League Canada has added $100,000 (Can) to an equal amount provided by ARK AID in a gift-matching project in August for the purchase and transport (to Bangkok) of 40,000 Karen Bibles with hymnal.
Biblia Global has again agreed to attempt to double $25,000 (US) provided by ARK AID in November.
![]() 2023
The Bible League Canada has agreed to a gift-matching project to be carried out in August to attempt to double (Can.) $100,000 provided by ARK AID for the publishing and distribution of Bibles in the Lisu language; this in order to print and distribute 40,000 Lisu Bibles. This project is similar to the proposal of of 2019. |
See the Bible League match appeal. Also, see more information about the Lisu people and their faith. Already, at the beginning of August, the match appeal was successful, and the $200,000 (Can) has been sent to the printer.
As well, Biblia Global has agreed to a gift-matching project to be carried out in November to attempt to double (US) $25,000 provided by ARK AID, also for Bible distribution. See more information about gift matching. Also, for this project more than (US) $ 50,000 has been raised for this project.

In December, the charity ORA had agreed to match 25,000 euros from ARK AID. This has resulted in contributions totaling (US) $50,950 of which $38,700 was used for Bible transportation and distribution (the remainder for humanitarian aid for the victims of war in Burma).

Also, in December, the GZB has agreed to match 10,000 euros from ARK AID. This has resulted in contributions totaling (US) $ 23,750 (22,400 Euro). This was for the purchase of Chichewa Bibles; the main language of Malawi, and to be distributed during teaching sessions.
The project for August with the Canadian Bible League (see the appeal) in which ARK AID agreed to match all gifts up to $125,000 (Can), which would amount to $250,000, with the purpose to purchase Burmese Bibles, has resulted in a total of donations of $ 284,000 (Can)!!! With this amount 68,813 Burmese Bibles have been ordered in Japan. See information about this project and the Bible League website. The Bibles are purchased from New Life Ministries. Also, see the invoice of this order.
Including transportation to Thailand, this means each Bible costs $3.33 USD, or € 2,82. To God be the glory. |
ARK AID conditions for this project are similar to that of the past: see project proposal
ARK AID has approached the Canadian Bible League with a proposal to contribute $100,000 (Can) for a gift-matching project for Bibles/Hymnals. The Bible League has agreed to implement this project in 2020 for the Phadei Chin language group and the Zotung Chin. As of mid August, ARK AID's contribution to this project has been matched so that $ 200,000 was used for the purchase of Scriptures. 15,000 Phadei Chin Bibles plus hymnals and 16,844 Zotung Chin Bibles plus hymnals have been purchased.
We are working together with Biblia Global whom we have promised $ 20,000 this year to go to a gift matching project for the purchase of Bibles. This project ran in October. Not only was this amount matched, but extra gifts have been received so that $ 75,560 can be used to purchase, transport, and publish 20,000 Karen Bibles with hymnals. Each Bible costs $ 3.73
An attempt will also be made in 2020 to get 10,000 Judson versions of the Burmese New Testament (with OT additions) funded, published, and distributed. They cost $1 each (about half a cup of coffee)!
ARK AID has agreed to another gift-matching opportunity with Biblia Global for October of this year. This will be for the purchase and distribution of the Sqaw Karen Bible. ARK AID has agreed to match all gifts, with a maximum of $ 40,000 (US). As of November 1, and after a request from Biblia Global, ARK Aid has raised that amount to $ 60,000. The $ 60,000 has already been matched. In this way $ 120,000 has been made available for the Karen Bibles. Read about the Karen Bible distribution in 2019 made possible from gifts given in 2018.
Another agreement has been made with Biblia Global that ARK AID will match all gifts received for that purpose to an amount of $20,000. In November ARK AID received word from Biblia Global that they have matched this amount and added another $10,891 for the purchase of Karen Bibles with Hymnals. 20,000 Karen Bibles+Hymnals will be printed at $3.79 each. Of this total ARK AID has contributed 5,277 Bibles at an equivalent price of €3,32 each which was sent directly to the publisher to avoid currency transfer costs (see invoice).
Another agreement has been made with Biblia Global that ARK AID will match all gifts received for that purpose to an amount of $20,000. In November ARK AID received word from Biblia Global that they have matched this amount and added another $10,891 for the purchase of Karen Bibles with Hymnals. 20,000 Karen Bibles+Hymnals will be printed at $3.79 each. Of this total ARK AID has contributed 5,277 Bibles at an equivalent price of €3,32 each which was sent directly to the publisher to avoid currency transfer costs (see invoice).

An attempt was made in 2018 to get 10,000 Judson versions of the Burmese New Testament (with OT additions) funded, published, and distributed. They cost $1 each (about half a cup of coffee)! This did not work out. Perhaps next year.

The Bible League Canada has agreed that in the first part of 2018, they will attempt to match ARK AID funding of $75,000 (Canadian = $50,000 US) for the purchase of Bibles+Hymn books for the Wa people group. This would mean that in excess of $ 100,000 (US) could be used, not only to supply much needed Bibles for the poor and suffering, but also to contribute to the harmonization and standardization of the WA language group.
As of June 1, The Bible League Canada informed ARK AID that more than $150,000 has been received for this gift matching project. More then twice the amount that ARK AID offered! Praise the Lord. More information has reached us in August: a total of $ 244,000 US has been received for this project and sent to the publisher in Japan. 159,000 New Testaments, together with 100,000 Hymnals have been sent. Distribution has started and ARK AID has been receiving information and testimonials. Because of the sensitive nature of much of this material, we are reticent to distribute it. Want more information? Call ARK AID.
For more information, see the PDF
Biblia Global has received donations amounting to $ 7,000 (US) which ARK AID has agreed to double. With this Tedim Chin Bibles are to be purchased.
A Bible with Hymn book under one cover costs less the $ 5,00. This includes transport and distribution costs. To see examples of distribution and testimonies, go to Biblia Global. Many details about distribution are politicly sensitive. Have any questions? Just call. See contact. |
In 2017 ARK AID made an attempt to purchase Burmese New Testaments (plus Psalms, Proverbs, and Genesis 1-22). This project will be carried over into 2018. A Bible distribution possibility for the Kachin in North-East Burma was also reviewed.
In 2017 ARK AID made an attempt to purchase Burmese New Testaments (plus Psalms, Proverbs, and Genesis 1-22). This project will be carried over into 2018. A Bible distribution possibility for the Kachin in North-East Burma was also reviewed.
In 2016 ARK AID continued supporting Bible distribution to the poorest of this world living in remote areas. A proposal was made to Biblia Global to receive a gift-matching grant from ARK AID with a maximum of $ 20,000. See the details.
ARK AID was present by the distribution of 20,000 Bibles in Chin state, Myanmar (see 2015).
In 2015 ARK AID continued supporting Bible distribution to the poorest of this world living in remote areas. Many of the people groups have only recently had the Bible translated in their language. You can help. Read the proposals for 2015. In 2015 ARK AID has sent $ 20,000 to the publisher in Japan (which amount was matched dollar for dollar in a gift matching petition made by Christian Far East Ministry) for the purchase of Tedim Chin Bibles. CFEM is responsible for the distribution.
In 2014 ARK AID purchased about 7000 Sgaw Karen Bibles together with a hymanl under one cover. Payment was made directly to the publisher in Japan (instead of Thailand) to avoid extra costs for currency conversion. Delivery was made to the ARK AID partner Christian Far East Ministry in Chiang Mai, Thailand in October 2014. Because this was part of a larger order of 32,000 Karen Bibles + hymnal, the price was only about 3 euros each.
See the invoice of delivery [pdf] and packing list [pdf]
See the News letter [pdf]
In 2016 ARK AID continued supporting Bible distribution to the poorest of this world living in remote areas. A proposal was made to Biblia Global to receive a gift-matching grant from ARK AID with a maximum of $ 20,000. See the details.
ARK AID was present by the distribution of 20,000 Bibles in Chin state, Myanmar (see 2015).
In 2015 ARK AID continued supporting Bible distribution to the poorest of this world living in remote areas. Many of the people groups have only recently had the Bible translated in their language. You can help. Read the proposals for 2015. In 2015 ARK AID has sent $ 20,000 to the publisher in Japan (which amount was matched dollar for dollar in a gift matching petition made by Christian Far East Ministry) for the purchase of Tedim Chin Bibles. CFEM is responsible for the distribution.
In 2014 ARK AID purchased about 7000 Sgaw Karen Bibles together with a hymanl under one cover. Payment was made directly to the publisher in Japan (instead of Thailand) to avoid extra costs for currency conversion. Delivery was made to the ARK AID partner Christian Far East Ministry in Chiang Mai, Thailand in October 2014. Because this was part of a larger order of 32,000 Karen Bibles + hymnal, the price was only about 3 euros each.
See the invoice of delivery [pdf] and packing list [pdf]
See the News letter [pdf]
2011 (in dutch language)
Op 26 augustus 2011 is het eerste deel van het project 'Bijbels voor de Karen' gerealiseerd. 5000 Sgaw Karen bijbels, gepubliceerd in Korea, zijn op die dag geleverd aan de Free Burma Rangers in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Binnenkort hoopt ARK AID een tweede zending te realiseren bestemd voor de Karen in de vluchtelingenkampen en dorpen van de 'hill tribe' gebied van noordwest Thailand.
Op 26 augustus 2011 is het eerste deel van het project 'Bijbels voor de Karen' gerealiseerd. 5000 Sgaw Karen bijbels, gepubliceerd in Korea, zijn op die dag geleverd aan de Free Burma Rangers in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Binnenkort hoopt ARK AID een tweede zending te realiseren bestemd voor de Karen in de vluchtelingenkampen en dorpen van de 'hill tribe' gebied van noordwest Thailand.
De Here God doet grote dingen onder de Karen, een bevolkingsgroep in Birma en NW Thailand. Hier is een foto van een doopfeest op 2 januari 2010 waarbij 472 mensen [pdf] zijn gedoopt. De jonge kerk daar heeft Bijbels en zangboeken nodig. Stort uw gift voor dit doel onder vermelding van ‘Bijbels Karen’.
Alle giften (tot max. 20.000 euro) worden in 2011 door Ark Aid verdubbeld. |
ARK AID heeft de opvatting dat hulp in de eerste plaats geboden moet worden aan de allerarmsten. Naast de basis behoeften is het van belang dat de grootste schat van deze wereld ook aangeboden wordt, en die schat is het Woord van God. Dit is in het bijzonder belangrijk omdat structurele verbetering van het leven het best gewaarborgd wordt wanneer ook de visie op het leven en de wereld, welke de Schriften ons mensen voorhoudt, in de praktijk nageleefd worden. Immers is het Woord van onze Here van toepassing: “Wat baat het een mens de gehele wereld te winnen en aan zijn ziel schade te lijden?” (Marcus 8:36)
De Karen in Birma behoren tot de allerarmste en onderdrukte volken van deze aarde. Naar schatting zijn van de ca 7 miljoen Karen 30 procent christen. De meesten hebben geen eigen Bijbel. Vertegenwoordigers van ARK AID bezoeken jaarlijks de Karen vluchtelingen uit Birma en de ‘hill tribe Karen’ in noordwest Thailand. Regelmatig komt er van deze mensen een verzoek om Bijbels, maar ook heel graag hymnboeken. ARK AID wil proberen 7000 Bijbels en hymnboeken voor deze bevolkingsgroep te realiseren.
Een Bijbel van goede kwaliteit kost 4,72 euro en een hymnboek ca. 2 euro. Wij hebben dus 47.000 Euro nodig voor dit project. Iemand die deze Karen een warm hart toedraagt heeft toegezegd 20.000 euro aan giften gegeven voor dit doel, te willen verdubbelen. Het Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap heeft al 10.000 euro bijgedragen voor dit project. Ook meerdere giften zijn al binnen. Momenteel (15 juni, 2011) hebben wij nog ca. 15.000 euro nodig. Wilt u ons hiermee helpen?
En hoe gaat het verder? ARK AID heeft in april j.l. al een bestelling voor het laten drukken van 5000 Bijbels in de Mason vertaling van de S'gaw Karen taal geplaatst. Dit gebeurt in Zuid Korea. De Bijbels worden geleverd, via de Thailand Bible Society, aan de Free Burma Rangers in Chiang Mai Thailand. Zij zorgen dat de Bijbels Birma in ‘gesmokkeld’ worden, met gebruik van ezels en zorgvuldig verdeeld worden onder de intern verstrooide en arme Karenchristenen aldaar.
Wanneer voldoende giften binnen komen voor dit doel zullen ook 7000 hymnboeken en nogmaals 2000 Bijbels gedrukt worden. 1000 Bijbels worden verspreid door Partners Relief and Development aan de Karen in de vluchtelingenkampen, en nog eens 1000 Bijbels worden verspreid door ons contact welke werkt onder de Presbyterian Church of America. Hij zal voor de verspreiding zorgen onder de Karen in noordwest Thailand. Een ieder die een Bijbel ontvangt, ontvangt ook een hymnboek.
En hoe zit het met de strijkstok? Wie verdient hieraan? Alleen, wellicht, de drukkerij in Zuid Korea. Voor elke 7 euro die u geeft wordt er daadwerkelijk een Bijbel en hymnboek gegeven aan een Karen, alle kosten inbegrepen, zoals transport, salarissen, etc. Onze werkwijze is transparant. De ARK AID ‘geef garantie’ is ook hiervoor van toepassing. Verantwoording en verslag achteraf zal via deze pagina op het internet gedaan worden. |
foto: Jan Bogaerts; zie
Zie in vergelijking de methodiek van de ARK AID actie voor het drukken en de verspreiding van Bijbels in de Pookot taalgroep in Uganda. Meer... hierover. |
Nog enkele wetenswaardigheden. De Mason vertaling van de Bijbel voor de Karen taalgroep is sinds lange tijd niet meer te krijgen. Daarom ook de herdruk. Nagenoeg alle Karen christenen die wij hebben ontmoet wilden deze ‘echte’ vertaling gebruiken, en niet de parafrase versie ‘The Commom Language translation’. De Karen zingen zeer veel. Daarom, naast de Bijbel, vragen nagenoeg alle Christenen ook voor hun standaard hymnboek met zeer veel bijbelgetrouwe liederen.
Correspondentie ivm dit project
Over ARK AID en Bijbel verspreiding door C. van Driel
About the Karen Bible Translation
More about the Sgaw Karen
Correspondentie ivm dit project
Over ARK AID en Bijbel verspreiding door C. van Driel
About the Karen Bible Translation
More about the Sgaw Karen